High performers in fast-paced careers often are achieving in spite of not feeling a deep sense of satisfaction with their lives. Whether you’re living this now and are looking for a way back to yourself, or you’ve been through it and want to help others do the same…

Create a life you’re excited about and opportunities for others to do the same.


I’ve done it, and so can you.

“Wade helped me leverage my strengths and see how I can take them to the next level.”

Alex R.

“We have grown our team, surpassed our revenue goals, and made some kick ass experiences for our customers. We wouldn’t have done it without Wade.”

Taylor H.

“When I think about some of the best decisions I’ve made this year, signing for Wade’s Life of Mastery program is definitely one of them.”

Nicole S.

Four things that matter a lot to me.

For you.

  • Your daily feeling of being charged, alive, full of energy to do the things you want to do and be the person you want to be.

  • Your sense of belonging to a community and the strength of your relationships.

  • The things in life you are striving (or not striving) for. Your deepest and fullest self-expression.

  • Are you stuck, or are you growing?

Let’s work together